FS2-Toolbox functions --------------------- A comparison of the equivalent call-compatible functions of Clipper CA Tools2, formerly the NT2.LIB & NT3.LIB (CA/Nantucket) follows: acos() MA Compute the cosine arc [a] addascii() ST Add a value to each ASCII code in a string [a] addmonth() DT Add or subtract months to a date [a] afteratnum() ST String after the nth appearance of a sequence [a] allofree() AL Determine the maximum allocatable memory size [-] asciisum() ST Sum of a ASCII value of a string [a] ascpos() ST ASCII value of a character at a particular position [a] asin() MA Compute the sine arc [a] atadjust() ST Adjusts beginning posit of a sequence within string [a] atan() MA Compute the tangent arc [a] atn2() MA Compute the angle size from the sine and cosine [a] atnum() ST Starting position of a sequence within a string [a] atrepl() ST Search for a sequence within a string and replace it [a] attoken() ST Finds the position of a token within a string [a] beforatnum() ST The string segment before nth occurrence of a sequence [a] biosdate() SI Determine the system BIOS date [-] bittoc() NB Convert position dependent bits into characters [a] blank() AL Create a blank value for each data type [n] bom() DT Determine the date of the first day of the month [a] bootcold() SI Trigger a cold boot [-] bootwarm() SI Trigger a warm start of the system [-] boq() DT Determine the date for the beginning of a quarter [a] boy() DT Determine the date for the beginning of a year [a] ceiling() MA Round up to the next integer [a] celsius() NB Convert Fahrenheit temperature value into celsius [a] center() ST Centers a string using pad characters [a] cga40() ED Switch to 40 column mode (color or monochrome) [s] cga80() ED Switch to 80 column mode (color or monochrome) [s] charadd() ST The corresponding ASCII codes of two strings [a] charand() ST Link corresp. ASCII codes of paired strings with AND [a] chareven() ST Returns characters in the even position of a string [a] charlist() ST Lists each character in a string [a] charmirr() ST Mirror characters within a string [a] charmix() ST Mix two strings together [a] charnolist() ST List of characters that do not appear in a string [a] charnot() ST Compliments each character in a string [a] charodd() ST Returns characters in the odd position of a string [a] charone() ST Reduce adjoining duplicate characters in a string [a] charonly() ST Common denominator of two strings based on indiv.char. [a] charor() ST Join correspond. ASCII code of paired strings with OR [a] charpack() ST Compress (pack) a string [a] charpix() TE Return the number of pixel lines per character [-] charrela() ST Correlates the character position in paired strings [a] charrelrep() ST Replace chars in a string depend on their correlations [a] charrem() ST Remove particular characters from a string [a] charrepl() ST Replace certain characters with others [a] charsort() ST Sort sequences within a string [a] charspread() ST Expand a string at tokens [a] charswap() ST Exchange all adjoining characters in a string [a] charunpack() ST Decompress (unpack) a string [a] charwin() TE Exchange particular characters in a screen area [n] charxor() ST Join corr. ASCII codes of paired strings using EXCL OR [a] checksum() ST Special checksum algorithm for string [a] clearbit() NB Set one or more bits within a number to zero [n] cleareol() TE Clear from cursor position to the end of the line [n] clearslow() TE Delete a screen area from the outside in with a delay [n] clearwin() TE Clear a screen area [n] cleol() TE Clear characters and attributes to the end of line [n] clwin() TE Clear characters and attribute from a screen area [n] colorrepl() TE Exchange particular screen attributes [n] colorton() TE Convert "NN/NN" or "CC/CC" color values into numer.val [n] colorwin() TE Exchange particular attributes in a screen area [n] com_break() SE Create a BREAK on a transmission line [s] com_close() SE Clear receiving buffer and close com port [A] com_count() SE Number of characters in the input buffer [fix 0] [A] com_crc() SE Compute Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for string [a] com_cts() SE Query Clear to Send (CTS) status [fix .F.] [s] com_dcd() SE Query Data Carrier Detect (DCD) status [fix .F.] [s] com_doscon() SE Screen output via DOS (ANSI.SYS terminal emulation) [-] com_dsr() SE Query Data Set Ready (DSR) status [fix .F.] [s] com_dtr() SE Query/set Data Terminal Ready (DTR) status [fix .F.] [s] com_errchr() SE Define replac. character for improper rec.chars [.F.] [-] com_event() SE Design. which event at the port triggered a keytrap [s] com_flush() SE Clear receiving buffer [A] com_getio() SE Determines the file handle used for com_open() [A] com_getirq() SE Determines interrupt request for a port [fix 0] [A] com_hard() SE Hardware Handshake (automatic CTS) ON/OFF [A] com_init() SE Establish port parameters [A] com_isopen() na Checks if the port is already open [A] com_key() SE Monitor port using key traps [fix .F.] [s] com_lsr() SE Read Line Status Register (LSR) [fix 0] [A] com_mcr() SE Read or set Modem Control Register (MCR) [fix 0] [s] com_msr() SE Read Modem Status Register (MSR) [fix 0] [s] com_num() SE The number of the highest avail.ser.interface port [A] com_open() SE Open port and initialise buffer [A] com_read() SE Read characters from the receiving buffer [A] com_remote() SE Determ. clear character for receiving buffer [s] com_ring() SE Query the RING line [fix .F.] [s] com_rts() SE Query or set Request To Send (RTS) [fix .F.] [s] com_scount() SE Number of chars in the background sending buffer [A] com_send() SE Transmit data directly or in background [A] com_setio() SE Changes the base address for a port [fix .F.] [s] com_setirq() SE Change the interrupt request for a port [fix .F.] [s] com_sflush() SE Delete the sending background buffer [A] com_skey() SE Monitor port using keytrap during backgr. transm. [s] com_smode() SE Determine the current status of a backgr. transm. [A] com_soft() SE Software Handshake ON/OFF (automatic XON/XOFF) [A] com_soft_r() SE Test if an XOFF has been received [fix .F.] [A] com_soft_s() SE Test if buffer has automatically sent an XOF [.F.] [s] complement() AL Form the complementary value of a data type [n] cos() MA Computes the cosine [a] cot() MA Computes the cotangent [a] countgets() GR Determine the number of open GET fields [a] countleft() ST Count a particular char at the beginning of a string [a] countright() ST Count a particular character at the end of a string [a] cputype() SI Determines type of processor being used [-] crc16() na CRC-16 checksum for a string [a] crypt() ST Encrypt and decrypt string [a] csetall() IS Save all ON/OFF settings [a] csetalte() IS Set/determine the SET ALTERNATE on/off switch [a] csetatmupa() ST Determ. the setting of multi-pass mode for ATxx() [a] csetbell() IS Set/determine the SET BELL on/off switch [a] csetcarr() IS Set/determine the SET CARRY on/off switch [a] csetcent() IS Set/determine the SET CENTURY on/off switch [a] csetclip() IS Determines the content of Clipper envir. variables [s] csetconf() IS Set/determine the SET CONFIRM on/off switch [a] csetcons() IS Set/determine the SET CONSOLE on/off switch [a] csetcurs() IS Set/determine the SET CURSOR on/off switch [a] csetdate() IS Query the SET DATE settings [a] csetdeci() IS Query the setting for SET DECIMALS TO [a] csetdefa() IS Query the setting for SET DEFAULT [a] csetdele() IS Set/determine the SET DELETED on/off switch [a] csetdeli() IS Set/determine the SET DELIMITER on/off switch [a] csetdevi() IS Set/determine the SET DEVICE on/off switch [a] csetesca() IS Set/determine the SET ESCAPE on/off switch [a] csetexac() IS Set/determine the SET EXACT on/off switch [a] csetexcl() IS Set/determine the SET EXCLUSIVE on/off switch [a] csetfixe() IS Set/determine the SET FIXED on/off switch [a] csetfunc() IS Query the setting for SET FUNCTION TO [a] csetinte() IS Set/determine the SET INTENSITY on/off switch [a] csetkey() IS Query the setting for SET KEY TO [a] csetldel() IS Query the setting for the left DELIMITERS [a] csetmarg() IS Query the setting for SET MARGIN TO [a] csetpath() IS Query the setting for SET PATH TO [a] csetprin() IS Set/determine the SET PRINTER on/off switch [a] csetrdel() IS Query the setting for the right DELIMITERS [a] csetrdonly() IS READ ONLY mode switch [a] csetref() ST Determ. if reference sensit. functions returns value [a] csetsafety() IS Protect files from being overwritten by FS2 functions [a] csetscor() IS Set/determine the SET SCOREBOARD on/off switch [a] csetsnow() IS Avoid "snow" on the screen [.F.] [a] csetsoft() IS Set/determine the SET SOFTSEEK on/off switch [a] csetuniq() IS Set/determine the SET UNIQUE on/off switch [a] csetwrap() IS Set/determine the SET WRAP on/off switch [a] ctobit() NB Convert a character string into a bit pattern [a] ctodow() DT Convert name of the current day of week into number [a] ctof() NB Convert a special 8-byte string into a floating num [a] ctomonth() DT Convert the name of the month into the corresp. number [a] cton() NB Convert num.strings with differ.num bases to a number [a] currentget() GR Determine the number of active GET field [a] datatype() AL Determine the data type of a variable == type() [*] dbfdsksize() DB Determine the size of a selected .dbf file on a drive [a] dbfsize() DB Determine the size of a selected .dbf file in memory [a] deletefile() FS Delete an error tolerant file [a] dirchange() FS Change subdirectory [a] dirmake() FS Create a directory [a] dirname() FS Determine the name of the current subdirectory [a] dirremove() FS Remove a directory [a] diskchange() FS Change the current disk drive [-] diskcheck() FS Create a check sum for a disk [n] diskformat() FS Formatting of disks, controlled via a UDF [-] diskfree() FS Determine the space available on a floppy or hard disk [A] diskname() FS Determines the drive designator for the current drive [-] diskready() FS Test to see if a drive is ready [fix .T.] [s] diskreadyw() FS Query if a drive can be written to [fix .T.] [s] diskspeed() FS Determine a compar. value for the drive speed [s] diskstat() FS Determine the status of a drive [-] disktotal() FS Determine the total capacity of a floppy or hard disk [n] disktype() FS Determine the type of data carrier [-] dmy() DT Returns a date in the format "DD Month YY [a] dosparam() SI Pass the DOS command line == param's in main module [*] doy() DT The day of the year for a specific date [a] drivetype() FS Determine the drive type [-] dsetkbios() ED Extended keyboard via BIOS, i.e. add keys F11,F12 [s] dsetnoline() ED Ignore next screen line feed [-] dsetqfile() ED Create protocol file when program ended normally [n] dsettype() ED Determine size of the keyboard buffer (SET TYPEAHEAD) [n] dsetwindow() ED Reroutes external functions and programs to a window [n] dtor() MA Convert from degree to radian measure [a] ega43() ED Switch to the 43 line EGA mode [s] egapalette() TE Change EGA palette colors [-] enhanced() TE Select the enhanced color value for SET COLOR TO [a] envparam() SI Read the entire DOS environment into a string [n] eom() DT Determine the date for the last day of a month [a] eoq() DT Determine the date for the end of a quarter [a] eoy() DT Determine the date for the end of the year [a] erroract() SI Recommended action for a previously occurring DOS err [n] errorbase() SI Source for a previously occurring DOS error [n] errorcode() SI Identifies of a previously occurring DOS error [n] errororg() SI Origin of a previously occurring DOS error [n] exename() SI Returns name and directory of the current program [a] expand() ST Expand a string by inserting characters [a] exponent() NB Determine the exponent of a floating point number [a] fact() MA Compute the factorial [a] fahrenheit() NB Convert temperature value from Celsius into Fahrenheit [a] fielddeci() DB Determine the number of decimal places in a field [a] fieldnum() DB Determine the field number == fieldpos() [*] fieldsize() DB Determine the size of a field == fieldlen() [*] fieldtype() DB Determine the data type for a field == type() [*] fileappend() FS Append data to file [a] fileattr() FS Determine a file attribute [a] filecclose() FS Reclose file after Backup Mode [-] fileccont() FS Further sections of the file are copied in Backup Mode [-] filecdati() FS Switch: Use original or system time for a copy [-] filecheck() FS Create a check sum for a file [n] filecopen() FS In Backup Mode, test if file is still open [-] filecopy() FS Copy files normally or in Backup Mode [a] filedate() FS Determine the date of a file [a] filedelete() FS Delete file(s) by name and attribute [a] filemove() FS Move files to another directory [a] filescreen() TE Read screen content from a file [-] fileseek() FS Search for files by name and attribute [a] filesfree() SI The number of files that can still be opened [-] filesize() FS Determine the size of a file [a] filesmax() SI The maximum number of files that can be open time [-] filestr() FS Read a segment of a file into a string [n] filetime() FS Determine the time of a file [a] filevalid() FS Tests whether a string is a valid file name [-] firstcol() ED Set the first visible column of a virtual screen [-] firstrow() ED Set the first visible line of virtual screen [-] floor() MA Round down to the next integer [a] floppytype() FS Determine the exact type of a floppy drive [-] fontload() TE Load EGA/VGA fonts from another file [fix -2] [s] fontreset() TE Clear all font and palette changes [fix .T.] [s] fontrotate() TE Rotate and mirror images within a font string [-] fontselect() TE Determine font areas for normal and high intens.output [s] ftoc() NB Convert a float point numb into a spec 8 byte string [a] fv() MA Computes future value of capital [a] getboxgrow() ED Get the time delay with which boxes are opened [n] getcleara() TE Query the default attribute for screen clear [n] getclearb() TE Query the default character for screen clear [n] getcountry() SI Query country setting for the operating system [-] getcursor() ED Determine setting for the cursor form [-] getfldcol() GR Determine the screen column of a GET field [a] getfldrow() GR Determine the row of a GET field on the screen [a] getfldvar() GR Determine the name of a GET field [a] getfont() TE Copy the current font to a string [-] getinput() GR Input function similar to a GET field [n] getkxlat() ED Determine current keycode table [n] getkxtab() ED Retrieve the entire keycode table [n] getlines() ED Determine after how many lines in LIST to wait [n] getmode() ED The current screen mode as a function name() [s] getpage() ED Determine the current screen page [-] getpbios() ED Determine if printing is to be via DOS or the BIOS [-] getprec() MA Determine the level of precision that has been set [a] getpxlat() ED Retrieve the current printer table [n] getscrmode() ED Determine the number of the active video mode [-] getscrstr() TE Take over rerouted screen output into a string [n] getsecret() GR Input function for hidden input, simil to a GET field [A] getshare() FS Determine the file open (share) mode [n] gettab() ED Retrieves tab values for screen output [n] gettic() AL Determine the number of timer ticks [n] getvgapal() TE Determine the palette settings on a VGA card [-] inbyte() PP Read 8 bits from a port [fix -1] [A] infinity() NB Create the largest number possible [a] inkeytrap() ED An INKEY with support for key traps [n] inputmode() ED Determine last or active input mode [n] intneg() NB Convert an unsigned integer to a signed integer [a] intpos() NB Convert from a signed integer to an unsigned integer [a] invertattr() TE Invert the foreground and background of an attribute [n] invertwin() TE Invert all attributes in an area of the screen [n] inword() PP Read in a 16 bit word from a port [fix -1] [s] isansi() SI Test for installation of the ANSI screen driver [-] isat() SI Determines if a program is running on an AT [fix .F.] [s] isbit() NB Test bits in a number [a] iscga() TE Determine if a CGA card is present [fix .F.] [s] isdbt() DB Determine if a memo file (.dbt) is present [n] isdebug() IS Determine if the applic is running under the debugger [a] isega() TE Determine if a EGA card is present [fix .F.] [s] ishercules() TE Determine if a Hercules card is present [fix .F.] [s] isleap() DT Test if a specific year is a leap year [a] ismath() SI Determines if a math. co-processor is installed [-] ismcga() TE Determine if a MCGA card is present [fix .F.] [s] ismono() TE Determine if a monochr. card is present [fix .F.] [s] ispga() TE Determine if a PGA card is present [fix .F.] [s] isvga() TE Determine if a VGA card is present [fix .F.] [s] justleft() ST Move characters from the beginning to the end of a str [a] justright() ST Move characters from the end of a string to the begin [a] kbddisable() AL Lock/unlock the keyboard [-] kbdemulate() AL Emulating input by inserting chars into the BIOS buf [-] kbdspeed() AL Sets keyboard auto repeat speed [-] kbdstat() AL Tests for key shift state status like Ctrl,Shift,etc. [s] kbdtype() AL Determine the type of keyboard in use [s] keyread() ED Read already processed keyboard buffer input [n] keysec() AL Trigger a key trap after a time delay [n] keysend() ED Simulate keyboard buffer input [n] keytime() AL Trigger a key trap at a specific clock time [n] ksetcaps() IS Query/set the system setting for CAPS LOCK [fix .F.] [s] ksetins() IS Query and set the system setting for INSERT [a] ksetnum() IS Query and set system setting for NUMLOCK [fix .F.] [s] ksetscroll() IS Query and set system setting for SCROLL LOCK [s] lastdayom() DT Returns the number of days in a month [a] lastkfunc() IS Returns the name of funct that created last keytrap [a] lastkline() IS Returns the line number for the last key trap [a] lastkproc() IS Returns the proced name that created the last keytrap [a] like() ST String comparison using wildcard characters [a] log10() MA Compute the common logarithm [a] ltoc() ST Convert a logical value into a character [a] lton() NB Convert a logical to a numeric value [a] mantissa() NB Determine the mantissa of a floating point number (b2) [a] maxcol() ED Extension of the MAXCOL() function [a] maxfont() TE Determine the number of available fonts [fix 1] [s] maxline() ST Finds the longest line within a string [a] maxpage() ED Determine the number of available screen pages [-] maxrow() ED Extension of the MAXROW() function [a] mdy() DT Returns a date in the format "Month DD, YY" [a] memsize() SI Determine size of conventional or extended memory [-] millisec() AL Time delay in milliseconds [n] moniswitch() TE Switch between monochrome and color screen [-] monochrome() ED Switch to the monochrome mode [fix .F.] [s] netcancel() NN Release the redirection of a local device [-] netdisk() NN Determine whether a drive is local or on the server [s] netlocname() NN Determine the name of a local redirected device [-] netocnums() NN Returns list of all stations where a user is logged in [s] netprinter() NN Determine if local or network printer [-] netredir() NN Redirect a local device to the server [-] netrmtname() NN Determine the name of a server device for local dev [-] network() NN Test whether the network is active [-] nnetcapact() NN Determine if the CAPTURE mode is active for an LPT dev [-] nnetcapbeg() NN Activate CAPTURE mode for an LPT device [-] nnetcapcan() NN Deactivate CAPTURE mode and abort print job [-] nnetcapend() NN Terminate CAPTURE mode for an LPT device [-] nnetcapflu() NN Close the current print job == SET PRINTER OFF [*] nnetcapssf() NN Setting for Novell CAPTURE mode [-] nnetcopriv() NN Test for console privileges under Novell [-] nnetcopy() NN Copy files within a Novell file server [-] nnetdirfre() NN Determine the number of free directory entries in vol [-] nnetdirmax() NN Determine the max. number of directory entries in vol [-] nneterror() NN Returns the last error encountered by a Novel fn [-] nnetinfo() NN Returns the info string of the NETWARE being used [-] nnetinuse() NN Returns the numb.of objects curr. logged into the netw [s] nnetlogged() NN Determine if a station has logged in using LOGIN [-] nnetpurge() NN Completely purge already deleted files from the netw [-] nnetrights() NN Tests for access rights to a Novell file server dir [-] nnetsdate() NN Query the Novell file server date [fix date()] [A] nnetsetq() NN Sets the printer queue for the CAPTURE mode [-] nnetsetsrv() NN Set an attached server as the default server [-] nnetsftlvl() NN Determine the SET level of the NETWARE in use [-] nnetslist() NN Returns a list of all attached file servers [-] nnetsname() NN Returns the name of the default server == netname() [*] nnetsprvsr() NN Test if the logged in user has supervisor rights [-] nnetspstat() NN Determine the status of a server printer [-] nnetstaid() NN Determine the ID of a station (netw. card) [S] nnetstanum() NN Query the station number on a file server [S] nnetstime() NN Query the time on a Novell file server [fix time()] [A] nnetuserid() NN Query the established network user IDs [-] nnetusrfre() NN Determine the server disk space available to user [-] nnetver() NN Determine the version of the NETWARE being used [-] nnetvolfre() NN Determine the available capacity of a server volume [-] nnetvolmax() NN Determine the maximum capacity of a server volume [-] nnetvolnam() NN Determine the name of a server volume [-] nnetvolnum() NN Determine the maximum number of available server vol [-] nnetwhoami() NN Determine the station LOGIN name [A] nnetwork() NN Determine whether a Novell network is active [s] ntoc() NB Convert numbers in a digit string to a diff. num base [a] ntocdow() DT Changes the number of a week day into a week day name [a] ntocmonth() DT Changes the number of a mohth into the name of a month [a] ntocolor() TE Convert a numeric value in "NN/NN" or "CC/CC" [n] nul() AL Convert the value returned by an UDF into a null str [n] numand() NB 16 Bit AND of a list of numbers [a] numat() ST Counts the number of occurr. of a sequence within str [a] numbuffers() SI Determine the setting for BUFFERS= [-] numcol() TE Returns the number of available screen columns [a] numcount() NB Use internal Toolbox counter [a] numdiskf() FS Determine the number of disk drives [-] numdiskh() FS Determine the number of hard disks [-] numdiskl() FS Determine the number of available logical drives [-] numfiles() SI Test for the maximum number of files that can be open [-] numfkey() IS Determine the number of function keys [a] numhigh() NB Returns the higher value byte in a 16-bit number [a] numline() ST Number of lines required for string output [a] numlow() NB Returns the lower value byte in a 16-bit number [a] nummirr() NB Mirror 8-bit or 16-bit values [a] numnot() NB 16 bit NOT of a number [a] numor() NB 16 bit OR of a list of numbers [a] numprinter() PR Returns the number of parallel ports [-] numrol() NB 16 bit left rotation of a number [a] numrow() TE Returns the number of available screen rows [a] numtoken() ST Number of tokens in a string [a] numxor() NB 16 bit XOR of two numbers [a] osver() SI Returns the DOS version number [A] outbyte() PP Sends a byte to a port [fix -1] [s] outword() PP Sends a 16-bit word to a port [fix -1] [s] padleft() ST Pad a string on the left to a particular length [a] padright() ST Pad a string on the right to a particular length [a] pagecopy() ED Copying one screen page into another [-] payment() MA Compute the amount of periodic payment [a] pctype() SI Returns the type of computer being used [-] peekbyte() PP Read a byte from memory [fix -1] [s] peekstr() PP Read a byte sequence from memory [fix -1] [s] peekword() PP Read a 16-bit word from memory [fix -1] [s] periods() MA Compute the necessary number of payment periods [a] pi() MA Returns pi with the ighest possible degree of accuracy [a] pokebyte() PP Write a byte to memory [s] pokeword() PP Write a 16-bit word to memory [s] posalpha() ST Determine the position of the first letter in a string [a] poschar() ST Replace a character at a partic posit within a string [a] posdel() ST Delete characters at a particular position a string [a] posdiff() ST Finds the first position where two strings differ [a] posequal() ST The first position at which two strings are the same [a] posins() ST Insert characters at a partic posit within a string [a] poslower() ST Finds the position of the first lower case letter [a] posrange() ST The position of the first char out of an ASCII range [a] posrepl() ST Replace one or more characters from a certain position [a] posupper() ST The position of the first upper case alpha character [a] printerror() ED Returns the error code for the last printer output [A] printfile() PR Print out ASCII files, clear high bit [A] printinit() PR Initialize one of the printers [fix 0] [s] printready() PR Determine if a particular printer is ready [fix .T.] [s] printscr() PR Print screen contents [A] printscrx() PR Print screen contents while exchanging specif chars [n] printsend() PR Send characters directly to a printer [-] printstat() PR Determine the status of a parallel port [A] pv() MA Compute the cash (present) value after inter. charges [a] quarter() DT Determine the quarter in which a specific date lies [a] rand() NB Generate a string of random numbers [a] random() NB Generate random numbers [a] rangerem() ST Delete chars that lie within a partic ASCII range [a] rangerepl() ST Replace characters within an ASCII range with one char [a] rate() MA Compute the interest rate for a loan [a] remall() ST Remove characters from the beginning and end of a str [a] remleft() ST Remove particular chars from the beginning of a string [a] remright() ST Remove particular characters at the end of a string [a] renamefile() FS Fault tolerant renaming of a file [a] replall() ST Exchange chars at the beginning and end of a string [a] replleft() ST Exchange particular chars at the beginning of a string [a] replright() ST Exchange particular characters at the end of a string [a] restcursor() TE Reproduce a saved cursor position and form [-] restfseek() FS Restore the FILESEEK environment [-] restgets() GR Recreate GET settings from an array [a] restsetkey() GR Restore SET KEY..TO settings from an array [a] resttoken() ST Recreate an incremental tokenizer environment [a] rtod() MA Convert from radian to degree measure [a] savecursor() TE Save cursor position and form [-] savefseek() FS Save the current FILESEEK environment [-] savegets() GR Save the GET settings of the entire environment [a] savesetkey() GR Save SET KEY .. TO settings in an array [a] savetoken() ST Save the incremental tokenizer environment to a var [a] saydown() TE Move screen output down vertically [-] saymovein() TE Display screen output with a "move in" effect [-] sayscreen() TE Output to screen without changing the attribute [-] sayspread() TE Display screen output with a "spread" effect [-] scankey() AL Query scan code of keyboard input [-] screenattr() TE Determine the attribute at a particular position [n] screenfile() TE Write screen content to a file [n] screenmark() TE Search for a string on screen and mark it with attrib [n] screenmix() TE Mix characters and attributes of a screen [n] screensize() TE Available screen size as number of characters [n] screenstr() TE Read a string, including attributes, from the screen [n] sectotime() DT Convert seconds into a time string [a] setatlike() ST Allows wildcards in AT functions [a] setbell() ED Set the tone frequency/duration for CHR(7) [-] setbit() NB Set one or more bits in a number [a] setboxgrow() ED Open boxes with time delay [-] setcleara() TE Change the default attribute for screen clear [-] setclearb() TE Change the default character for screen clear [-] setcursor() ED Set cursor form [-] setdate() DT Set the system date [s] setfattr() FS Set a file attribute [-] setfcreate() FS Standard attribute for setting up files using FS2 fn [n] setfdati() FS Set the date and time of a file [n] setfont() TE Load a font directly out of a string [-] setkxlat() ED Redefine Key codes or lock keys [-] setkxtab() ED Install key tables [-] setlastkey() IS Set a default value for LASTKEY() [a] setlines() ED Determine number of lines after which LIST will pause [-] setmaxcol() ED Set the number of columns for a screen == fs_set() [*] setmaxrow() ED Set the number of lines for a screen == fs_set() [*] setpage() ED Select a new screen page [-] setpbios() ED Redirect print output to the BIOS, establish timeout [-] setprec() MA Set the level of precision for trogonomic functions [a] setpxlat() ED Establish translation tables for printer output [n] setqname() ED Change file and path name for the quit file [n] setrc() TE Set line and column for the cursor [a] setscrmode() ED Establishes a new video mode [-] setscrstr() TE Redirect screen output into a string [n] setshare() FS Set the opening mode (share mode) for FS2 file funct [n] settab() ED Set the tab widths for screen outputs [n] settic() AL Increase number of hardware time tics [-] settime() DT Set the system clock [s] showkey() AL Continuously display the INSERT and LOCK status [-] showtime() DT Continously display the time at desired position [-] sign() MA Determine the mathematical sign of a number [a] sin() MA Compute the sine [a] sound() AL Create tones by designating frequency & duration [-] speed() AL A comparison value to determine processor speed [s] spoolactiv() PR Determine if the DOS PRINT program has been installed [-] spooladd() PR Append a file to the print queue [-] spoolcount() PR Determine the number of files in the print queue [-] spooldel() PR Delete files from the print queue [-] spoolentry() PR Determine the name and path of a print job [-] spoolflush() PR Completely empty the print queue [-] ssetbreak() SI Set and check the DOS BREAK switch [-] ssetverify() SI Set and check the DOS VERIFY switch [-] stackfree() AL Determine stack space remaining [-] standard() TE Select the standard color value for SET COLOR TO [n] stod() DT Convert an ANSI date string into date format [a] strdiff() ST Similarity between two strings (Levenshtein Distance) [-] strfile() FS Write a string to a file [n] strscreen() TE Bring a string with chars and attribs to the screen [n] strswap() ST Interchange two strings [a] tabexpand() ST Convert tabs to spaces [a] tabpack() ST Convert spaces in tabs [a] tan() MA Compute the tangent [a] tempfile() FS Create a file for temporary usage == tempfilename() [*] timetosec() DT Calculate the seconds since midnight to a string [a] timevalid() DT Determine if a specified time is valid [a] tof() PR Determine if Clipper is at top of form (TOF) [a] token() ST Select the nth token from a string [a] tokenat() ST The last TOKENNEXT() position within a string [a] tokenend() ST Determine if further tokens are available in TokenNext [a] tokeninit() ST Initialize a string for TOKENNEXT() [a] tokenlower() ST Convert the initial letter of a token into lower case [a] tokennext() ST Incremental tokenizer [a] tokensep() ST The separator before or after the last token [a] tokenupper() ST Convert the initial letter of a token into upper case [a] toolver() AL Query the version number of the Toolbox being used [n] trapanykey() ED Call a procedure with any keyboard input [-] trapinput() ED Allows supervision of input commands [-] trapshift() ED Calling a procedure dependent upon switching keys [-] truename() FS Standardize path designation == truepath() [*] unselected() TE Select the unselected color value for SET COLOR TO [-] untextwin() TE Switch one area of chars from one region of the screen [-] valpos() ST Numerical value of a character n a string [a] vga28() ED Switches to 28 line VGA mode [s] vga50() ED Switches to 50 line VGA mode [s] vgapalette() TE Change VGA palette colors [-] videoinit() TE Re-initialize a video system after a RUN [-] videosetup() TE Query video mode at system start [-] videotype() TE Returns bit-coded info regarding avail video mods [-] volserial() FS Determine the DOS 4. diskette serial number [-] volume() FS Establish a volume label for a floppy or hard disk [-] waclose() WI Closes all windows [a] waitperiod() DT Managing time in increments of 1/100 sec in a loop [a] wboard() WI Allocates allowable screen area for windows [a] wbox() WI Places a frame around the active window [a] wcenter() WI Returns a window to the visible screen area, or center [a] wclose() WI Closes the active window [a] wcol() WI Returns position of the first col of the active window [a] week() DT Returns the calendar week for a date [a] wfcol() WI Returns the left col of the formatted area of a window [a] wflastcol() WI The right column of the formatted area of a window [a] wflastrow() WI The bottom row of the formatted area of a window [a] wformat() WI Determine usable area within a window [a] wfrow() WI The top row of the formatted area of a window [a] wlastcol() WI Position of the last column of the active window [a] wlastrow() WI Position of the last row of the active window [a] wmode() WI Screen border overstep mode ON/OFF [a] wmove() WI Move a window [a] wmovedown() WI Move window down at wstep [a] wmoveleft() WI Move window left at wstep [a] wmoveright() WI Move window right at wstep [a] wmoveup() WI Move window up at wstep [a] wnum() WI Determine the highest window handle [a] wom() DT Returns the week within a month [a] wopen() WI Open a new window [a] wordone() ST Reducing multiple appearances of double chars to one [a] wordonly() ST Common denominator of two strings based on double char [a] wordrepl() ST Replace particular double characters with others [a] wordswap() ST Exchange neighboring double characters in a string [a] wordtochar() ST Exchange double characters for individual once [a] wrow() WI Position of the first row of the active window [a] wselect() WI Activate one of the open windows [a] wsetmove() WI Interactive movement mode ON/OFF [a] wsetshadow() WI Sets window shadow colors [-] wstep() WI Determine step width of interactive window movement [a] xmoblock() SE Generate a block for XMODEM transmission [A] xmocheck() SE Test a received XMODEM block [A] xtoc() AL Convert an expression of any data type into string [n] zeroinsert() SE Insert a 0-bit after every fifth 1-bit [A] zeroremove() SE Remove 0-bit in a file block [A] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: category in CA3 AL miscellaneous functions NN network Novell functions DB database functions PP Peek and Poke DT date and time PR printer ED extended drivers SE serial communication FS disk & file system SI system info GR Get/Read system ST string manipulation IS internal switches, status info TE terminal, video MA mathematical functions WI windows NB number, bit manipulations na not available in CA3 Availability and compatibility to NT2/CA3: [a] available, call & functionally compatibe to NT2/CA3 [A] available, call & functionally compatible, distrib also in source code [s] call compatible, simulated in distrib source, returns standard value [n] not available yet, may be inluded later [-] not applicable on UNIX systems [*] available in standard FlagShip library ---- Last updated: 10-Aug-2000 You may compare the above list with the CA-Tools2 description available in html format on http://www.itlnet.net/programming/program/ For pricing, see the current FlagShip price list available on http://www.fship.com/price.html ---------------------------- ~| |) ----------------------------------- multisoft Datentechnik GmbH ~~|) |)) Telephone (+49-89) 649-0040 POBox 312 |)) |))) Fax (+49-89) 641-2974 D-82027 Gruenwald/Munich ========/ Internet info@fship.com http://www.fship.com \ / sales@fship.com ---------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------- .